Congratulations everyone for a great semester and a great team project. Here is the link for the Living Alaska Native Art History Project site. Have a great Holiday.
Yearly Archives: 2019
Here are some example from past classes ( ). And some other Artist Interviews sites As you can see there are many different approaches to representing the Artist your is working with. Some are text only, some have a few images, some are image intense and some have an image of the artist. There is no right way to compose the post and the structure of our website might not directly reflect the team’s design, but this will give everyone a chance […]
Hello everyone, This week we are waiting for the artist interviews to be finished by the artist, if they have not responded by the end of the week a friendly reminder should be sent out to see if they can still participate. While waiting to hear back from the artist please read Chapter 7 out of Alaska Native Art and post your comments in the # Process channel of #slack.
These question should be based on the research your team has done and should be specific to their artistic practice, worldview, medium, or other questions that come up in the team’s research. Your team could also work on broader question based on the Fair’s book Alaska Native Art: Tradition Innovation Continuity, or on the broader Decolonizing movement happening in the Indigenous arts world.
Hello everyone, Once your team has had confirmation from an artist to participate start compiling information on the artist, to help assist in the formation of relevant questions for that specific artist, in the form of an annotated bibliography. You can also use your group’s google folder to upload any articles or images, that you would like to share with the group. I am not requiring a minimum of resources as some artist are have more written about them than others, but I want to […]
This week we will be working with our groups to start thinking about an artist for the project. I have provided a short-list of Alaska Native Artist that have a website as a way to get started, but this is not a complete list and your choice of artist is not restricted to this list. Your group should come up with at least 2-3 artists as possible interviewees in case someone is too busy to respond. Your group can also start thinking about how to […]
Hello again everyone, This week we will look be looking at the artwork of interior Alaska or the Athabascan people of Alaska. Please read The Athapaskans: Stranger of the North pp 19-42, and Alaska Native Art pp 89-106. Watch the videos on Athabascan art, post your comments to the Interior Alaska channel of Slack and take the short quiz.
Hello everyone, This week we will be looking at the artwork from Northern Alaska, or from the Inupiaq people. Please read Native Art of Alaska pp 25-49 and Crossroads of Continents pp 44-45, watch the video lectures on Blackboard, post your comments on the Northern Alaska channel in Slack and take the short quiz. Next week is spring break and there will be no assignment for the week but I will post further instruction on the group project if you would like to get a […]
Hello everyone, This week we will be breaking into groups for the Alaska Native Art Living history page. This project is born out of my own desire to capture the history that is happening right now in in the Alaska Native Art word. There have been great volumes of work done on the history of Alaska Native Arts, but very little published on the contemporary climate of the arts today. This project was also inspired by the Contemporary North American Indigenous Artists Blog ( by […]
Hello everyone, This week we will start looking at the Artwork from Western Alaska, including the art of the Yup’ik Cup’ik and Siberian Yupik. Please read the Crossroads of Continents pp 46-48, Inua pp 39-46, and Native Art of Alaska pp 49-72. Watch the lectures and then post on the Western Alaska Channel in Slack and take the quiz.
Hello everyone, This week we will start looking at the artwork of the Alutiiq/Sugpiaq and Unangan people. Please read Native Art of Alaska pp 73-87 and Crossroads of Continent pp 52-57. Watch lecture the lecture on pre-colonial artwork, the movie Alute Story and the lecture on the post-colonial artwork on Blackboard. Post your thought on the discussion board and then take the short quiz.
Hello everyone, This week we will start looking at the artwork of Southeast Alaska, or of the Northwest Coast depending on your perspective. Please read Crossroads of Continents pp 58-63, and From the Land of Totem Poles pp 17-26 that you can find in in Blackboard under Module 3 and pp 107-125 in our Native Art of Alaska book. Please watch the video lectures on Blackboard, and take the short quiz. Sealaska Heritage Institute has been publishing some great videos on Formline design […]
Hello everyone, This week we will be framing the class with a discussion on tradition, a term that often is applied to Alaska Native art. Please read Native Art of Alaska the Introduction(pp xxi-xxxi) chapter, 1 “The Nature of Tradition’ pp 1-21 and chapter 4 “Genres, Boundaries and Ways of Making’ pp 127-164. Watch the short lecture on Tradition in our Blackboard site. Post your response in the Tradition Channel of Slack. If you were not able to get the book yet I’ve uploaded the […]
My Name is Da-ka-xeen Mehner and I am Director of the Native Art Center and Chair of the UAF Art Department. I am an artist, educator, father, and husband. We will be looking at the diverse works of Alaska Native art through time. This week is our introduction week. I would like everyone to take a look around both the Blackboard site and WordPress site, go over the syllabus, and then sign into #slack and post an introduction to the class in the #introduction channel […]