Hello everyone, Once your team has had confirmation from an artist to participate start compiling information on the artist, to help assist in the formation of relevant questions for that specific artist, in the form of an annotated bibliography. You can also use your group’s google folder to upload any articles or images, that you would like to share with the group. I am not requiring a minimum of resources as some artist are have more written about them than others, but I want to […]
Monthly Archives: October 2019
This week we will be working with our groups to start thinking about an artist for the project. I have provided a short-list of Alaska Native Artist that have a website as a way to get started, but this is not a complete list and your choice of artist is not restricted to this list. Your group should come up with at least 2-3 artists as possible interviewees in case someone is too busy to respond. Your group can also start thinking about how to […]
Hello again everyone, This week we will look be looking at the artwork of interior Alaska or the Athabascan people of Alaska. Please read The Athapaskans: Stranger of the North pp 19-42, and Alaska Native Art pp 89-106. Watch the videos on Athabascan art, post your comments to the Interior Alaska channel of Slack and take the short quiz.
Hello everyone, This week we will be looking at the artwork from Northern Alaska, or from the Inupiaq people. Please read Native Art of Alaska pp 25-49 and Crossroads of Continents pp 44-45, watch the video lectures on Blackboard, post your comments on the Northern Alaska channel in Slack and take the short quiz. Next week is spring break and there will be no assignment for the week but I will post further instruction on the group project if you would like to get a […]